Thursday 31 March 2011


A view on the Eurostar, Paris was in full bloom of spring . 2 hours from a grey duvet over London. So Paris last week was beautiful. Me and the boy cotched in Jaudres and just explored and lost ourselves in the wonders of the enticing city. I needed a break so much, It made me realise how much I am in need of a good travel- some new scenery, a new culture. Finding difficulty through translation is only an urge to want to feel more European! Visiting Paris, meeting fellow Parisians and stumbling across underground spots such as Bercy skate park, contemporary illustration exhibitions, drum and bass cellars and hours worming through the metro made me get city vibes. I'm a rural kid. Born and raised, fields and country lanes but with an urge for more faces, more noise- a bit more life!

Of course, we engaged in a proper tourist status, visiting Notre Dame which was beautiful. Europe still holds gothic architecture in prime maintainance, highlighting the history and traditional presence to it's appeal. Walking through Notre Dame and watching mass held a therapeutic surrounding. Everything is so admired, such a culture shock and reality hit compared to my linear routine. After Notre Dame, The Louvre and some expensive but tasteful eating in the city, we ventured to some hidden streets in Bastille to uncover some affordable vintage shops. American-inspired, this amazing shops was covered floor to ceiling in fur, double denim, Levi and Burberry galore. I purchased a see through, patterned white blouse ( unknown designer) and some vintage cut Levi shorts ( much needed) , both for 30e!

OH and the Vans shop in Bastille. Love Love Love.

So many writers in Paris. It seems more liberal, every van had been attacked and a territory had been marked by the European kids. We went to Barcy to do some reaches at the skate park. After heading to All City to get some tins, we weren't prepared to get arrested in France so we headed for the legal spots- though, the whole city was like this 'legal' bubble. Art seems to be praised in places like Paris & Berlin, while the Kingdom holds this clean and conservative approach to our streets.

Can't remember the shop, but they had an exhibition on New Era Hats. All weirdly and creatively molded. One looked like it was made of sugar.

And this one looked like a cupcake. Boom.

After lots of drinks with friends and a dodgy pina colada in a Jazz bar in Palais Royale, we decided amongst the 2am hectic crowds to have some of this bad boy ice cream that we stumbled across. Feeling sick already, I had Nutella Chocolate and Snickers flavour. Drunk and amazing flavours, perfect combo.

Oh! Bring me back, you beautiful city.


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