Thursday, 23 February 2012


Really? I don't know about this one. I received a pretty frosty reception from Supreme in their NYC Flagship store. They have slammed hundreds of posters round the city promoting their 2012 spring collection. Mossy's a strange one. Beautiful, yes. Fresh? No. Why a brand as a big and as young appealing as Supreme would feature a 38 year old woman who, yes in her height of fame attracted the eyes of the world- is now featured as the face of a current street wear label. It makes me wonder as to whether they networked to get Moss as the face to gain more exposure from the public, was it the 'shock factor' or do they seriously emphasise with Supreme fans as to believing Kate Moss would really wear Supreme. Attention much? Guess it's working.

However, when it comes to campaigning I have to agree with CX City Brand. Boys done good here.

'While social media and the Internet can be a great platform to reach and interact with your audience, sometimes you just have to roll up your sleeves and take word to the street. Words on the computer screen will never hit as hard as walking by a wall covered up with posters.'

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