Yeahh! I'm quite liking this. Kanye West debuted his latest collection yesterday in Paris. Who knew the g could pull off some perfect cuts and slides of wet leathers? Boys got style. When you see current celebrities and artists from another background of entertainment such as music and film taking on a fashion empire, thoughts can be drastically linked to further their statements and of course, funding. But although not an origin of focusing on the fashion industry, Mr West certainly knows what he wants to showcase and I'm pretty surprised. It's simple and not too pushy. The accessories such as the fur bag above, point's out a broad street style to the collection and him and (his team) have dressed to praise and represent a dark edge of glamour to his babes.

The only real down fall is in fact, the birth of his fabrics. Astrakhan which is said to have been used for the coats- is from unborn lambs. And he also used fox and crocodile for the skins. Now, being a vegetarian since the age of 5- I'm not one for this at all. However, there are plenty of people out there who would happily slate Kanye for the use of these animals for fashion yet happily eat meat themselves- therefore a slightly hypocritical view I must say. I agree that hunger and fashion are two very different needs. But I myself am guilty of some leather and a bit of ostrich fur- innocently purchased from our very high street. West should not be picked on for using non synthetic garments when plenty of designers do. It is a nasty world out there and to obviously be killed for a ten minute show is cruelty at it's best. However, this is nothing new. Designers have been flaunting this for years, sure it's tamed down thanks to activists and PETA storms, but let's not be to brash on Mr West. High streets are implementing his designs into synthetics as we speak.
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